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Winter Reads

This winter hasn't been ideal for reading, in that it has been so warm! I could have used a few more snowstorms to ensure a cozy reading day…or two. Good thing that hasn't stopped me yet! The local public library is probably one of the most dangerous places for me. I could spend all day there, reading my time away. Growing up, my dad would always say, "You can waste your whole life watching movies." It's true. I know I could do that! But it's even easier for me to spend all my time reading. I have to be careful! It's been a learning process, and now I know to only get a few books at a time. Otherwise, bedtime gets pushed back until way too late!

Anyhow, maybe you're looking for some book recommendations. If that's the case, you're at the right place! I've been reading a mix of literature and non-fiction. Comment if you've read one of these books…or if you have any suggestions for my next trip to the library! And keep an eye out for my mini-reviews on Instagram, using the hashtag #ameliareneereads!

1. First up, "And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini. Oh my. This book was fantastic. I found it on the Book Club shelf, and my eyes gravitated to it after realizing the author wrote "The Kite Runner." (I read that over the summer on my way to Mongolia, and am still trying to get the guts to watch the film.) I loved the mystery of not knowing the characters at the beginning, the interwoven stories, and the bittersweet ending. This book also covers many years, which helps me understand the history of war-ravaged Afghanistan (alongside a few of the other books you'll see below!)

2. Oh my—"The Dressmaker of Khair Khana" by Gayle Lemmon. This is one of the two non-fiction book I've decided to highlight! It's written so well, you'd think it was a novel. When the Taliban took over Kabul in 1996, overnight life changed for women. They were unable to work outside the home and attend school. This is the incredible true story of women who fought for their livelihoods, families, and freedom. An inspiring story, Kamila (the dressmaker) is a woman who changed her neighborhood and world.

3. There might be a theme in my reading tastes lately, huh? ;) This is another true story—biography style. I read this book FAST, and really want to re-read it again, more slowly. "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" is the fascinating story of a young man who grew up in a conservative Muslim home. Over many years, through conversations, and research (in which he discovers hard things about his background) he comes to a point of asking this key question: "Who are you, Lord?" 

4. I'd been wanting to read this book for a long time, on the Instagram recommendation of another photographer! Last time I'd checked, the Ames Public Library didn't have it. Stumbling on "Station Eleven" in the Book Club section, I was more than thrilled! I'm a fan of post-apocalyptic literature, so this was right up my alley. However, it felt a lot more realistic than some! Emily St. John Mandel writes in a back & forth way between characters, allowing you to see multiple sides and yet not understand the full picture until the end. Wonderful for keeping you on the edge of your seat!



2017 Goals & Dreams

Ok. I have to be honest with you all.

I am in no way ready for 2017. (And, oops, we are 5 days into 2017 already!)
Thankfully, as Lara Casey puts it, "There's nothing special about January 1st." 

2017 goals des moines photographer

2017 brings excitement, as any new thing does. It is shiny and sparkly—full of gold balloons and noise poppers and bubbly champagne. But then the party ends. Friends bundle up and head into the dark morning. And you climb into your bed under extra blankets and wonder…what will this year be? 2017, for me, will be full of changes. What changes? Well, I'm not entirely sure at this point! Which is ok.

The learning curve in your 20's is steep, or so they tell me. So far, I've moved out of my parents' home, transferred from a local college to a state university, legally set up my photography business, graduated university, started a job in full time campus ministry, and turned 25. The past two years, specifically, have been truly growing. I've learned so much about who I am, how I'm wired, and ultimately…that I need to follow Jesus daily. Life after college is so different, and even though I'm still connected to college students for my job, my life is really in a different stage and thus, I have different needs. We are not made to live in college forever, wandering and wondering about our purpose.  

2017 holds a lot of unknowns. My full time ministry commitment comes to an end late this spring, leaving summer open and full of questions. People and sharing life & Jesus with them has a huge part of my heart. I want to continue on that path, but I am unsure what that looks like. Will I stay in Ames? Will I use writing and media for mobilizing to the nations? Will I actually make it full time in photography? I don't know! That stresses me out, y'all. BUT, it is also a wonderful place to be. It's a place for dreaming. Asking questions. And praying for answers. So, with that, I have dreamed up some goals for this new year, both personal and business, and am sharing them with you today!


2017 GOALS


  • Drink (and eat) healthier. I know it seems like everyone says this, but it's valid! I don't normally drink pop, but I want to replace it with sparkling or regular water, or milk if possible. Family history shows me that I neeeeed to make sure I'm getting enough calcium, even as an adult woman. So, milk it will be! Eating wise, I'm going to keep healthier snacks around the apartment (like carrots or green pepper slices.) Also, bonus! I'll be blogging some of my favorite healthy-but-cheap meals this year, so keep an eye out for that!
  • Spend less. One of my favorites, Hannah B, fasted from shopping last January-March. I want to intentionally spend my dollars, and more importantly, my time. The most valuable thing we have is time! So, this month, shopping goes bye-bye. Groceries are fine, and maybe a new pair of running shoes (mine are at least 5 years old!) so that I can do goal 3…
  • Exercise regularly. 3 times a week would be ideal! Our apartment complex includes a small gym, and with that a 3 minute walk away, I really don't have any excuses! Stationary bikes are my jam, so I hope to bike, run, and do abs a minimum of three times weekly this month…but hopefully the entire spring semester! (EDIT: I'm 2 for 2 this week so far! Sore, but worth it.)
  • Be present (aka less social media). Social media plays a big part in both of my jobs. And I love it! Sometimes, it can hurt more than help. 2017 will be the year I start to cut back. I'm setting limits to how long I can browse Instagram and Facebook, which will allow me to be present with people around me, and grow in creativity. I'll also be logged out, except for specific times for work or fun breaks. Instead of Instagraming every waking moment, I want to adventure more, cook new things, read more books, try new art forms, listen to more live music, & hold more babies. [My words for the year? Pursue and Cultivate! Inspired by the desire to be present, to create, and to chase after what matters.]
  • Live generously. Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts worked some things out in my heart. Not to mention, I read it when I was fundraising my full salary to come on ministry staff. It's been a hard and humbling two years, but also wonderful! And joy filled! I want to continue to grow in generosity—not just financially, but with my words, time, and giftings.


  • Shoot more. I really want to grow this year in my style and technique! This means, say yes more. To lifestyle sessions, family photos, alll the seniors (if you know high school juniors who will need senior photos this year PLEASE shoot me a note!) and of course, engagement/weddings. Also, I've been wanting to explore the arena of styled sessions. This year might be that time
  • Explore video. Videography has been a huge obsession of mine, but I've never seriously dedicated time to it. That changes now. (Literally, actually. This afternoon I will be heading off to shoot video. For fun!) If you want to see a few videos I've already created, check out my vimeo.
  • Collaborate with other artists. I'm not sure what this looks like, honestly. I just want to do this. So, if you are a photographer or artist in Des Moines, Ames, Cedar Falls, or even someplace else…let's talk! 
  • Book 10 weddings, minimum. This is SO scary to put out there! But if one of my goals is to move towards being a full-time photographer, this needs to happen. So far, I've officially booked (contact signed & deposit down!) 3 weddings. Shoutout to all you newly engaged folks! I've still got spots available in May, June, July, August, September, and into the fall. ;)
  • Second shoot. I'd love to second for other local photographers out there. Hit me up if you need an extra pair of hands to carry bags and snag alternate shots!

Whew! That's a lot. (And I'm sure I've forgotten to write up a few things here.) 2017 might just be my craziest, busiest, scariest year yet. However, I know that Jesus goes before me in all things and that He will provide all that I need. It may not be the way I expect, but it will make me more like Him, and ultimately, that's my biggest prayer for 2017. As I journaled last night, "Would you use this work to sanctify me, to make me more like you?" I have no doubt that, wherever this year goes, He will do that. :)

What are your goals and dreams for this year? I'd love to hear them!


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Autumn Reads

Growing up, it was a real good bet that you'd find me with my nose in a book. We went to the library regularly, and I could never leave with under 10 new pieces of literature. In fact, I wanted to be a librarian when I grew up! (Still kinda do…)
As an adult, it's been important for me to learn how to rest in my time off. I love watching movies and television, but honestly, that isn't the best way to rest. A lot of my life requires me to be on a computer, camera, or phone screen. So, resting in other ways is really, really healthy. And fun! It's been amazing to get a new library card. I've used it multiple times, and have no plans to stop. ;) For those of you who also enjoy a good book, here's a list of a few of my recent "reads"…maybe you'll enjoy them, too!

homemade life.jpg

1. A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg (blogger at Orangette). This book was one of my favorites! I'm considering checking it out again, just to make some of the recipes inside. Molly crafted it with class and taste, and it's a great example of a creative non-fiction work. Find this at your library if you enjoy food & memoir-style books. 

2. Madeleine L'Engle has been a favorite author of mine since I re-read A Wrinkle in Time in late elementary school. The Ames library doesn't have many of her works, but this one was perfect for a lazy weekend with a few mugs of tea. Certain Women ties together family, love, mystery, & art in classic L'Engle style.

3. At Home in Mitford is the first in a series by Jan Karon. I actually picked up the first one for $.50 at a local thrift shop last year & fell in love! So far, I've read about four of the books in the series. These are sweet and easy reads, bringing in faith, a little mystery, and lots of good fun!

4. Seven by Jen Hatmaker turned out to be so much better than I'd imagined! I seriously laughed and cried through it, and was also really challenged to think through where my time and money go. I'm not sure that I could pull something like this off…but I have some practical fasting goals for this year, in part inspired by this book!

There you go! A few books to look into, if any of them sound like your kind of read. I would love to hear what books you have read lately! What books do you suggest for me this spring? Leave your ideas in the comments below! 


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Colorado | Summit 4

The only thing that can really truly capture (and share) my love of Colorado would be a sound bite of me, squealing with joy at high-pitched frequencies. So, I will spare your ears the probable pain and instead share some photos (much more appealing to the senses!) of my brief time in Colorado for my fourth Edge Summit. I hardly pulled my camera out, but did snag a few photos with two of my good friends out at Garden of the Gods…and a few more at a coffee shop in town. 


I'm in love with The Principal's Office. It's in an old schoolhouse (Ivywild) that has been purchased and re-created into the neatest space for creatives! My kind of hang. ;) They've got a great assortment of drinks…you could hit them up for your breakfast cup of joe, and then head back in the evening for your after-dinner drinks! Definitely check them out if you're in the Springs.

Also, I'm seeing so many proposals happenin' out there these days! Tis the season for engagements…which means that wedding season is coming up fast. :) I'm still booking 2017 weddings, and have room for some bookings yet this summer and fall! Shoot me a note on my contact page if you are getting married this next year. Or, if you have a friend who just got engaged, I'd be honored if you would share my website with them! I would LOVE to photograph not just midwest weddings, but weddings in other states as well… like Colorado! ;)

Be on the lookout for some fun "end of the year" posts!



Linger a little while

This semester has been stressful. The sometimes-good-sometimes-bad kind. By good, I simply mean full days and weeks where productivity reigns. (I think sunshine helps, too.) But those only last so long, before the stress turns me into a hermit-ous mass covered in blankets, drinking too much tea, and watching one too many episodes of Parks and Rec. Or two too many. Hashtag, honesty.


I am thankful for the busyness. Last year, I had a lot more free time. That led me to feeling guilty for the time I had. My time is in higher demand this semester, and I have grown much more in confidence and skill because of that. However, I am realizing that I must choose to be intentional with my time. "Full" times of year can lead to burnout if not handled properly, or extreme workaholicness, or laziness. I get to choose. The time I'm given, it is costly. Precious. And it is so so so easy for me to spend it (especially the "free time") on myself.
Instead, I want go grow. To not feel guilty for the hours I've netflix-ed, but to learn that in moderation, it's great. But that I am much more full of joy when I spend a free evening cooking for a friend, sharing our hearts, and sitting underneath white christmas lights in the late-fall darkness. That library books can be a great refreshment (and sight for literal sore eyes). And when's the last time any of us took a walk in nature without thinking about our phones?! Just to enjoy the birds, the light, and breezes floating past us. (Too soon they will turn into winter winds, my friends!) Most imortantly, I've been recognizing my need to cultivate time with Jesus. I've found a favorite candle at Target (here) that I love to light, and I want it to be piece of my routine. That small wick, lit bright and allowing its aroma to influence the area around it…just like I'd like my life to be—lit, and shining brightly for the one who brings fullness of joy & peace.

For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
— 2 Corinthians 2:15



Mongolia, land of the blue sky and of my heart

Oh, Mongolia. 

The land is beautiful, but the people are even more lovely. It's amazing how quickly friendships can form and grow, even with language barriers! People are people, and we all want to be loved. Short trips can leave lasting impacts…this one did for sure. I'm so excited to share some of my photos from the four weeks we spent there with you all!

Below you'll see
Ulaan Baatar, the capital city & where we lived
Chinggis Khaan Statue (and horse riding!)
Hiking by Zaisan with students & friends
Terelj, National Park in the Countryside
Last Rally Day at our school
Exploring the Naran Tuul "Black Market" in UB
Matt winning 4th place in a MAS-wrestling competition (wut!?)
Our final banquet



Mongolia: Sneak Peek!

This is the country that swiftly and quietly stole my heart (but maybe it isn't hard to do that?!). It's amazing how visiting someplace can so quickly change your perspective on it, people, and life. That's the beauty of travel and missions. God can do so much in just a short amount of time, if we're willing. I can't wait to share more photos from this trip—but if you really want to know more, you should plan a trip to Mongolia for yourself! You won't regret it.



Re-entry: bumps ahead!

For the first time in my life, being home is not what it used to be. I've loved my home more than any place—the land my family lives on, Midwestern sunsets, and the local people I've known as neighbors and friends for the past 18 years. A short term trip to Mongolia changed my life; it's a little early in the game to say that, but I know it is true. I'm excited to look at this short-yet-long month in 5, 10, 50 years and see how my life is a better kind of different for it all. I experienced intimacy with Christ, and answered prayers, so clearly. I met people I'd heard of before, and now know and love so personally—friends and siblings in the Lord, who I can't wait to be reunited with! Our team fought, and fought for unity. A woman who loves the Lord shared dinner and her heart with us…the evening that Jesus used her to remind me that He has made me who I am for a reason. And I'm now beginning to work through what that could be, and look like, and take me moving forward.

Much excitement! Much fear and trembling and trust.

Beautiful wildflowers overlooking Ulaan Baatar

Beautiful wildflowers overlooking Ulaan Baatar

The next month will be a wonderful but hard time of re-adjustment. Lots of change will be happening—a best friend gets married, I get to again trust the Lord to provide for my fundraising needs, I move into an apartment for the first time (!!!), and also move towards a very unknown future. However, I am so thankful to have promises that are true and trustworthy to cling to. Hebrews 11:16 is a clear reminder that although I don't know what will happen after my second year of Edge Corps, I have a permanent home! What a hope to cling to. 

This little blog of mine will be frequently updating with weddings, engagements, and senior photos this next month—and hopefully, soon I'll also get to share photos, stories, and some of the wonderful people that the Lord brought into my life in Mongolia. Woo-hoo! Can't wait!


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Let's get real.

When I first became interested in photography, and as I began to pursue it as a hobby, I followed a lot of photographer's blogs. I watched any FAQ videos they posted, read every Q & A blog post, and daydreamed about styled photo sessions. At one point, maybe around my freshman or sophomore year of college, I remember telling my mom in a crescendo of excitement, "I want to be the Jasmine Star of Iowa!" (Ok, all in all, to be "The Photographer" of Iowa is really not that large of an aspiration…but for me, that was dreaming BIG!!)

As time went on, the Lord thankfully used school, Perspectives, dear friends & mentors, campus ministry, and his word to pull me back from photography. I realized that my identity was becoming more wrapped up in photography than…well, than Him. Than who He said I was. I had held on so tightly to these dreams, the desire to be seen, praised, to perform well in pressure-filled situations, and other things. I compared my work to that of others…and my value as a photographer, and as a person.

Woah, girl. Slow it down. That ain't right.

"So, cool, Amelia. Thanks for sharing. But so what?"

I was reminded of this today. By, of course, another photographer. He posted on his instagram a note & apology, as he is taking some time off, and it struck a chord with me. 

For the past few years I’ve been trying to create these beautiful photos and appearance to mask my mess of a life and emotions. I’ve put up this shield and mask to the world for too long.

Thankfully, I do not believe this is true of my life. But it got me thinking! What am I hiding from the world? What am I running from? Because, let's be real. We are all running. From something, to something, and most of the time, it or they will fail us eventually. Photography might not be my current mask. But is ministry? Is social media? 

I don't want to get lost. 

I want my life to be genuine. Messy, but beautiful, because it is real. I want to be real with people. Real about my struggles…and my joy! Real that I make mistakes (I'm in ministry, I am learning lots, and making mistakes. AND THAT IS GOOD.) Real about my dreams—the desires God has placed in me. 


Friends, let's run to the light together. I don't want to get lost in the competition in photography, or in climbing the corporate ladder to make a name or lots of money, or in feeling that I have to prove perfect to be in ministry. Each of those are ways we can be lost, can lose ourselves, and who we're made to be. I am not lost—I am found. And I want to stay found, safe, in the arms of my Jesus!

(Also thanks to this article for the thought provoking words today!)

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When I hide.

Well, hi, blog. (And people who read this blog—which, thanks to my inconsistent blogging & winter hiatus from most photography, probably signifies a readership of about two people.)

I'm really excited to hopefully get into blogging again, as I'll have more engagements, family, weddings, etc. to be posting. Not just that, but as spring awakens outside, I always feel that my emotions & expressions of such slowly thaw out, ready to be used again! Basically: I've been lazy. And the cold, shorter days mean more Netflix and less…being. Being present. Present in life, in movement, or in pursuing things that I love. Winter is hard like that, and good for nights inside with a book (or The 100) and many mugs of tea. But, I want more today. So...

Oh, although this space is primarily reserved as my "business space," it also serves to share about me! Because when you run a sole proprietorship, you kinda are the business in some ways. Plus, I have always loved reading the thoughts of other photographers & writers online. I'd like to be the same kind of real, genuine gal. (If you're wondering who inspires me, here is a very short list: I'm Kristen, Jamie Delaine, Hannah Brencher…just to name a few!)


I’ve been trying to write this for over an hour. Which means, I’m out of practice when it comes down to words and paper. Thoughts run rampant (this may also have to do with the iced coffee I had at lunch…) and tangents, oh, those tangents are flying!

Fear. The emotion that so many of us fight daily. We respond uniquely to it, through various actions. Recently, I’ve realized that fear leads me to hide.

Hiding can be a good thing. A bride hides until the moment she is revealed to her husband. God hides His face from us because it far too glorious for our eyes to see. But I am not God, nor a bride. I have chosen to hide out of fear. This is wrongful hiding. I hurt myself, and others, in this action. 

Hiding. The action of criminals, fugitives, the shamed.

Is that what I am? Is that my identity? Is that what I want to do?


I want to be known. Don't we all?

Beautiful things are not made to hide. They belong to be displayed. A vase of flowers set out on a table for guests to enjoy, art hung in a museum to be marveled over by tired tourists. If I am a wonderful creation, insecurities and all, then I don't want to hide. 

I wish this piece was more polished. That the grammar in it was correct, the thoughts cohesive. But that isn't reality today. 


And, in the the practice of being genuine, and messy, and real, I'm going to publish this. Unfinished, and a little rough. Let's be real together. Not hiding or lying our way through life, but being real & genuine & honest with who we are, what we've got to offer. Each one of you, myself included, is a work in progress. We'll never be able to encourage if we don't think those around us need encouragement or help! 

1 John 4:18. 



remembrance with thanks

this is my song, my savior, God, to Thee
how great Thou art
how great Thou art

"who deserves any grace?" ann voskamp

"who deserves any grace?" ann voskamp

I would rather die now than to live a life of oblivious ease in so sick a world—nate saint
be saturated in love

The desert shows us who we truly are, where we place our hope, faith, trust.

there is no occasion when meals should become totally unimportant. meals can be very small indeed, very inexpensive, short times…but they should always be more than just food. relaxation, communication and a measure of beauty and pleasure should be part of even the shortest of meal breaks.
— edith schaeffer

there is no control in love.


If you seek after the good portion, it will not be removed.

The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister.
— G.K. Chesterton

All new life labors out of the very bowels of darkness. That fullest life itself dawns from nothing but Calvary darkness and tomb-cave black into the radiance of Easter morning. Out of the darkness of the cross, the world transfigures into new life. And there is no other way.
--Ann Voskamp

Be kind. And have courage. And all will be well.—Cinderella

Be kind. And have courage. And all will be well.—Cinderella




Being on staff with the Navigators means that as part of your job, you "have" to go to conferences (awesome conferences with great teaching, the sweetest people, and learning!)—which generally end up being located in the best states. Like Colorado. Orrrr Florida.

This was my first, and possibly only, national staff conference. Us young staff (first and second years) also had our own training, so we went early. Meaning we were in Orlando approximately 9 days. 9 sunny, warm, how-is-this-November days. Oh my. Glooooorrrrious. ;)

Since we actually DID work (some pretty long) days, and the sun set just as we broke for dinner, most of my photos are from the day & a half I visited Disney World. I've been to Disney 3 times (once in Tokyo as a 2 year old, once in high school, and this trip) so I made sure to bring my camera. The last time I'd been was before I really was interested in photography, and felt like ages ago! I hardly remembered the rides, so getting to experience it all over again was a dream. PLUS I got to experience it with some of the sweetest people—a trip to remember for life:)



Morganne || Ames IA Portrait Photographer

This lovely lady just happens to be one of my favorites. We've walked the path of life together for 2.5 years, and I'm so excited for the next 25+! Morganne and I met our first week-ish at ISU…and she brings so much joy to my life. Plus, she's weird in the best way and says the crayyyyyziest things! (M, you make me laugh 10x as much when I'm with you…so, thanks for keeping me healthy;) Thanks for finally letting me redeem myself with my camera and make some art. <3



Personal || Camping

These people became my family last year. We laughed & cried together. (Ok, maybe that was just me every time we watched a movie…) There were inside jokes ["Ben, your knee looks like a baby!"] and nicknames. We ate food (a lot, too much, but then…can there every be too much?!) and drank coffee. Sometimes at 11pm, which is not a good idea when the next morning happens to be a Monday. Fights might have happened, but love exceeded all of that. Dear Fortress, thank you all for living out love. "Families are made in the heart." Oh, how true this is.


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No Photographers in Heaven

My life has been one crazy, wild ride the past month.

I moved back to Ames, started to figure out what it looks like to be working with college students but not to be a college student. Somehow began adulting. (Health insurance? Automatic payments? Cooking meals and trying to eat healthy?!) Pulled some crazy long 12 hour+days, and had other days that weren't so long, therefore eliciting the desire to sleep all day. And be alone. I love people, I'm an extrovert—but I suddenly was also totally. ok. being. alone.

Oh, campus ministry. You're a mystery to me. 

In the midst of not-even-sure-what-is-going-on, God has been so present. And you know what? I'm learning a lot, when I take the time to pull back from the crazy and be still for a few minutes. He's always here. And I'm still me—fine being busy, working hard, or being lazy. I still have to intentionally set apart time to retreat with Jesus and to listen. If you know me, you know I like to talk. Listening is good, but it can be hard to just shut up

In fact, this Labor Day weekend, we had a retreat. 
"What do you think is one of your strengths? What do you bring, add to, our team?" Adam asked us as we sat around the table during team bonding time. 

Silence. Wow. This is hard. I can look at Liz and easily see her attention to detail as a strength. Morganne's crazy love of laughter & humor & fun, and Michael's kindness & care as things that would diminish our team should they leave. But myself?

I didn't know.

I think I said that I can talk and make small talk. But honestly, right now, I feel like my extroversion is a weakness. Talking comes more naturally than it did five years ago. Small talk is cheap, but easy. Getting to the harder things, that takes intentional questions. And waiting, silence, listening.

Listening is something I need more of. Distractions and obsession with the busyness of life is rampant, whether in college or in the working world.

Knowing this, yesterday I felt restless. Tired. Unsure. So I got in my car, opened up the sunroof. Put on some Josh Garrels and drove. Found myself at Ada Hayden. Surrounded by sunshine, the deep unsaturated blue-and-silver water, Black-Eyed-Susans, and space to breathe. 

no wifi. no music playing. no friend to talk with. just me, a girl with a restless heart, a need for sunshine and the Son. two hours, 4 journal pages, a few tears, prayer, and Galatians 5 later, my heart was full. OVERFLOWING! to rest is to enter in to the presence of God, to sit at His feet and seek His face. to remember truth.

Walking back to the parking lot, full of feels and rejuvenation, I saw them. I mean, really saw them. Yes, they'd been there when I'd passed that way earlier, but now I remembered. Last week, I'd asked Jesus to give me flowers. Flowers are some of my favorite things in all creation, and I'd wanted some surprise gifting of a bouquet to sit in my room. Instead, Jesus had slowly drawn me out of my room and to Ada Hayden…where wild flowers (the best!) are growing and blooming in abundance! Oh, what a sweet gift and reminder from the King of Creation! 

Now, you all know I'm a photographer. So, having only my handy dandy iPhone in my bag, I pulled it out to capture them. And realized that being a photographer is such a temporary, short-lived thing. 


I'm created for Heaven, for Eternity.

This soul of mine, it longs so deeply for Forever. "He has written eternity on the hearts of man." But I live in a broken, dying world. It cries out for salvation, redemption. It reeks of rust and spoiling food, of decay and dust. We all race against time. I fight it, and in some ways, I fight time with my camera. The desire to remember, so capture and keep beauty.

Friends, dearest hearts, all beauty comes from God! He is beautiful, and in creation He has reflected that—from breathtaking mountains to delicate field flowers. In my race to capture photos of newborn babies or a sunset, I am seeking to capture time. To stay in the forever, in the eternal beauty, to somehow grasp it in between my fingers.

In Heaven, there will be no photographers. At least, I don't think there will be.

I don't have scripture to say that—so I could be mistaken! But in eternity, those who are with God will forever be with Beauty. It will not fade.

"No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever."—Revelation 22:3-5

What joy! No longer will I be trying to soak up the moments before they pass, remember the colors of the sunset before it goes away or the butterflies before winter comes—I shall reign with the Lord forever, and be surrounded by His (and all) every moment, for all eternity!

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Sweet Film || Personal

I love film. And the easiest way to shoot it is, of course, disposable cameras. Yes, I'm fully aware you haven't used one since 6th grade camp…but I love the suspense that they bring. And, they give you prints in HARD COPY of the photos when you get a disc of them (at walmart, anyway)! So, so much fun.

This is a sprinkling of my last year—from my last night in Jacksonville at the Secret Lake, to the State Fair, seeing my grandma's house for the last time, college shenanigans, and my last week in college. 



Simple Summer || Personal

Oh, hello! Thank you so much for waiting. Remember the days when I blogged regularly? I now realize that is not always possible. ;) This summer has been one of the fastest yet (I hear they continue to speed up as the years go by…) and also one of the hardest.

Why one of the hardest? Well, I am currently not doing full time photography, like I may have expected in years past. Instead, the Lord has re-directed my steps into another beautiful and wonderful thing: college ministry! I have been involved with a wonderful organization for the past 5 years, and the Lord has graciously allowed me to take the next one or two years to serve this ministry at my alma mater (Iowa State—Go Cyclones!) This allows me to use my areas of gifting *cough* photography *cough* as well as be stretched in other areas, like discipleship and sharing the Gospel. Right now, I am fundraising my salary so that I can be on the campus full time. If you'd like to hear more about what I'll be doing, join my support team, or get my newsletter updates, shoot me an email! I still have $1400 in monthly support to raise in order to be on campus full time…and under a month to raise it. However, my God is the Ultimate Provider (one of His names even means that: Jehovah Jireh!) so I am praying a lot & asking just about anyone out there. Every bit helps get me closer to Ames and to students that need Hope!

One of my summer goals or ideas was to create a small video (I love playing with video and rarely get to!) about summertime. We live on an acreage, so summer evenings here are picturesque. I want to remember these sweet days with little neighbor babes and perfect sunsets for years to come. The video isn't done yet (neither is summer! hah!) but here are a few still shots to give you an idea of what is to come. :)



Colorado | Heart of Hearts

My trip to the most beautiful state (good luck convincing me otherwise!) had three phases: staying in Denver with Jan, the Springs with the Sandquists, and Summit. Words can't describe how I feel about these people & this place…so photos.



Spring Wishes

Hello friends!

I have not been on my blogging game lately, but school is almost finished and graduation is just around the corner! Once summer hits and I am shooting more sessions, you can be sure to find more writings and photos here:) Until then…it might be a little hit and miss!

One thing that I've always found fun is when other photographers and bloggers put out their current "wishlist"—it gives you an insight into their personal lives & what they value. Maybe that interests you. If so, feel free to stick around and see my current wishes!

I love these "Botanical Prints" from Rifle Paper Co. They're so simple and beautiful. Wouldn't they just brighten up any space?

This semester I found Lara Casey's blog, read her story, and fell in love with this woman's passion for Jesus, her family, and people! She also just released a book a few months ago, and I'm really hoping to get my hands on a copy & dig in to what I can learn from this lovely lady and the wisdom she has gained from the Lord in her life. 

I've been putting off buying a pair of chacos for a long time…and I think it's finally time. Adventures are ahead! Proper footwear required;)

How can you not love this apron from Anthropologie?! Also, the pockets. Win/Win.

So, what about you? I'd love to know what items you've been eyeing this spring! Practical or fun, feel free to share below in the comments!

Love always,

Amelia Renee
