
Mongolia: Sneak Peek!

This is the country that swiftly and quietly stole my heart (but maybe it isn't hard to do that?!). It's amazing how visiting someplace can so quickly change your perspective on it, people, and life. That's the beauty of travel and missions. God can do so much in just a short amount of time, if we're willing. I can't wait to share more photos from this trip—but if you really want to know more, you should plan a trip to Mongolia for yourself! You won't regret it.



Little Lady Emma

I love getting to watch and photograph Miss Emma as she grows! She's got such a sweet, fun personality…which is no surprise if you know her parents! We had so much fun getting some family photos this spring here in Cedar Falls—you'll never regret getting photos taken as your kids grow up. (Especially when they are this adorable!)



Re-entry: bumps ahead!

For the first time in my life, being home is not what it used to be. I've loved my home more than any place—the land my family lives on, Midwestern sunsets, and the local people I've known as neighbors and friends for the past 18 years. A short term trip to Mongolia changed my life; it's a little early in the game to say that, but I know it is true. I'm excited to look at this short-yet-long month in 5, 10, 50 years and see how my life is a better kind of different for it all. I experienced intimacy with Christ, and answered prayers, so clearly. I met people I'd heard of before, and now know and love so personally—friends and siblings in the Lord, who I can't wait to be reunited with! Our team fought, and fought for unity. A woman who loves the Lord shared dinner and her heart with us…the evening that Jesus used her to remind me that He has made me who I am for a reason. And I'm now beginning to work through what that could be, and look like, and take me moving forward.

Much excitement! Much fear and trembling and trust.

Beautiful wildflowers overlooking Ulaan Baatar

Beautiful wildflowers overlooking Ulaan Baatar

The next month will be a wonderful but hard time of re-adjustment. Lots of change will be happening—a best friend gets married, I get to again trust the Lord to provide for my fundraising needs, I move into an apartment for the first time (!!!), and also move towards a very unknown future. However, I am so thankful to have promises that are true and trustworthy to cling to. Hebrews 11:16 is a clear reminder that although I don't know what will happen after my second year of Edge Corps, I have a permanent home! What a hope to cling to. 

This little blog of mine will be frequently updating with weddings, engagements, and senior photos this next month—and hopefully, soon I'll also get to share photos, stories, and some of the wonderful people that the Lord brought into my life in Mongolia. Woo-hoo! Can't wait!


Ames Senior Portraits at Iowa State—Rachel


Ames Senior Portraits at Iowa State—Rachel

I love senior photos as a college senior because it’s SO MUCH MORE of an accomplishment to graduate from university than high school. (Don’t get me wrong, that’s great thing, too!) 4 years of intense studying, late nights working on projects in the campus library or engineering halls, learning how to be an adult and use Cy-Ride or wash laundry or cook meals… college is SUCH a life experience! I wish more university seniors took the time to commemorate with some professional photos!


Liz + Scott || Married!


Liz + Scott || Married!

Overcast days with just a touch of rain, and a beautiful sunset to end the night, are any photographer's dream. Liz and Scott's wedding day did not disappoint! Although, the fact that they cared more about the guests in attendance and the marriage than the details of the decor made the day absolutely perfect. (The details were there, thoughtful and sweet! Complete with homemade pies and desserts…so tasty.) The Hansens' chose to have their wedding at Riverside Bible Camp, just a short drive from Iowa State University—where Scott graduated with an engineering degree that morning. Talk about a monumental day! ;) 

Venue: Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp
Dress: J. Crew
Dress Hanger: Got Joy Gifts
Flowers: Heaven Scent
Cake: New Pioneer Co-Op
Also, many thanks to the wonderful Erin, who snagged some amazing shots of the guys getting ready & others throughout the day! 

Erin got the shot above and I love it:) It's so much fun having a second shooter who can grab similar but wider/closer shots alongside me!!!


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Austin + Michelle || Papillion, NE Wedding

And oh, we got time, yeah,
So darling, just say you’ll stay right by my side
And oh, we got love, yeah,
Darling, just swear you’ll stand right by my side.”
— Be My Forever—Christina Perri

Austin and Michelle's story is one of grace. Of friendship and dating, of breaking up and spending time apart and waiting...and then, oh joy!, reconnecting. Jesus has used these two in their college, in the world, and in the ministry of their lives separately—Michelle is almost done with nursing school, and Austin is studying to be a youth pastor. Their lives will be better and stronger together, for a "chord of three strands is not easily broken." Celebrating their love on a surprisingly cold March day was a sweet treat! These two are so loved by the family & friends that joined them there. Many, many blessings on your married life! It was so much fun to travel to Omaha and to photograph this wonderful Nebraska wedding! ;) Thank you for trusting me to capture your day:)

Wedding Venue: Nebraska Christian College
Cake: The Cake Gallery
Popcorn from Jock & Jill's Popcorn
Cupcakes by Infinity Cupcakes

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Liz + Scott || Ames, IA Engagement

These two were a dream to photograph! I've been waiting since what seems like forever to take these photos, and the evening did not disappoint. ;) Liz was one of my first friends at ISU, and we immediately connected due to our similar taste in books & art. We quickly confided in each other about girl talk (aka, which boys we were crushin' on) and she admitted that she'd liked Scott since their freshman year "Joshua Team." It took the rest of that year, a summer together in Indonesia for a mission trip, and a fall semester before Scott called Liz up, took her to Ledges, and officially asked her out! (I still have vivid memories of sitting in the hall of her dorm, getting all the details and giggling like 5 year olds. So much fun.) Now, a year & a half later, they're engaged…and getting married in exactly two weeks! I can't wait!


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Let's get real.

When I first became interested in photography, and as I began to pursue it as a hobby, I followed a lot of photographer's blogs. I watched any FAQ videos they posted, read every Q & A blog post, and daydreamed about styled photo sessions. At one point, maybe around my freshman or sophomore year of college, I remember telling my mom in a crescendo of excitement, "I want to be the Jasmine Star of Iowa!" (Ok, all in all, to be "The Photographer" of Iowa is really not that large of an aspiration…but for me, that was dreaming BIG!!)

As time went on, the Lord thankfully used school, Perspectives, dear friends & mentors, campus ministry, and his word to pull me back from photography. I realized that my identity was becoming more wrapped up in photography than…well, than Him. Than who He said I was. I had held on so tightly to these dreams, the desire to be seen, praised, to perform well in pressure-filled situations, and other things. I compared my work to that of others…and my value as a photographer, and as a person.

Woah, girl. Slow it down. That ain't right.

"So, cool, Amelia. Thanks for sharing. But so what?"

I was reminded of this today. By, of course, another photographer. He posted on his instagram a note & apology, as he is taking some time off, and it struck a chord with me. 

For the past few years I’ve been trying to create these beautiful photos and appearance to mask my mess of a life and emotions. I’ve put up this shield and mask to the world for too long.

Thankfully, I do not believe this is true of my life. But it got me thinking! What am I hiding from the world? What am I running from? Because, let's be real. We are all running. From something, to something, and most of the time, it or they will fail us eventually. Photography might not be my current mask. But is ministry? Is social media? 

I don't want to get lost. 

I want my life to be genuine. Messy, but beautiful, because it is real. I want to be real with people. Real about my struggles…and my joy! Real that I make mistakes (I'm in ministry, I am learning lots, and making mistakes. AND THAT IS GOOD.) Real about my dreams—the desires God has placed in me. 


Friends, let's run to the light together. I don't want to get lost in the competition in photography, or in climbing the corporate ladder to make a name or lots of money, or in feeling that I have to prove perfect to be in ministry. Each of those are ways we can be lost, can lose ourselves, and who we're made to be. I am not lost—I am found. And I want to stay found, safe, in the arms of my Jesus!

(Also thanks to this article for the thought provoking words today!)

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When I hide.

Well, hi, blog. (And people who read this blog—which, thanks to my inconsistent blogging & winter hiatus from most photography, probably signifies a readership of about two people.)

I'm really excited to hopefully get into blogging again, as I'll have more engagements, family, weddings, etc. to be posting. Not just that, but as spring awakens outside, I always feel that my emotions & expressions of such slowly thaw out, ready to be used again! Basically: I've been lazy. And the cold, shorter days mean more Netflix and less…being. Being present. Present in life, in movement, or in pursuing things that I love. Winter is hard like that, and good for nights inside with a book (or The 100) and many mugs of tea. But, I want more today. So...

Oh, although this space is primarily reserved as my "business space," it also serves to share about me! Because when you run a sole proprietorship, you kinda are the business in some ways. Plus, I have always loved reading the thoughts of other photographers & writers online. I'd like to be the same kind of real, genuine gal. (If you're wondering who inspires me, here is a very short list: I'm Kristen, Jamie Delaine, Hannah Brencher…just to name a few!)


I’ve been trying to write this for over an hour. Which means, I’m out of practice when it comes down to words and paper. Thoughts run rampant (this may also have to do with the iced coffee I had at lunch…) and tangents, oh, those tangents are flying!

Fear. The emotion that so many of us fight daily. We respond uniquely to it, through various actions. Recently, I’ve realized that fear leads me to hide.

Hiding can be a good thing. A bride hides until the moment she is revealed to her husband. God hides His face from us because it far too glorious for our eyes to see. But I am not God, nor a bride. I have chosen to hide out of fear. This is wrongful hiding. I hurt myself, and others, in this action. 

Hiding. The action of criminals, fugitives, the shamed.

Is that what I am? Is that my identity? Is that what I want to do?


I want to be known. Don't we all?

Beautiful things are not made to hide. They belong to be displayed. A vase of flowers set out on a table for guests to enjoy, art hung in a museum to be marveled over by tired tourists. If I am a wonderful creation, insecurities and all, then I don't want to hide. 

I wish this piece was more polished. That the grammar in it was correct, the thoughts cohesive. But that isn't reality today. 


And, in the the practice of being genuine, and messy, and real, I'm going to publish this. Unfinished, and a little rough. Let's be real together. Not hiding or lying our way through life, but being real & genuine & honest with who we are, what we've got to offer. Each one of you, myself included, is a work in progress. We'll never be able to encourage if we don't think those around us need encouragement or help! 

1 John 4:18. 



When winter turns warm…take photos!

My younger sister had a week longer break than Iowa State, so she came down to visit for a day. It just so happened that the day she was in town, a heat wave also hit! We enjoyed the balmy 30 degree weather, walked around Brookside Park, and make some photos. This girl was my first model, and it's fun to update my collection of her. ;)



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Jessica + Brandon || Engaged!

As sure as I live, this love that I give
Is gonna be yours until the day that I die
-Randy Travis: Forever and Ever, Amen

Brandon & Jessica met at Central College through mutual friends. They got to know each other better during class and finally started "talking"…right before Brandon left the country for three weeks over Christmas break! Distance didn't stop them then, and it sure hasn't stopped them as they've dated "short-distance" over the past two years.

Jessa (as I call her) has been one of my best friends since our 10th grade biology class. (Telling, since Jess majored in biology in college!) When I visited her at Central during the college years, it's quaint style stuck with me. Once these two got engaged, we quickly set up engagement photos in Pella! No brainer, such a good idea. (Maybe not that it happened on one of the coldest days so far…but hey, Brandon and Jess rocked it, regardless! Plus, we grabbed coffee at Smokey Row, and Dutch Letters at Jaarsma. BEST DAY EVER.)

Thank you both for being willing to face the winter winds with me! I'm thrilled to be capturing your wedding day. Jesus will be glorified, laughter will abound, and so many people who love you will rejoice with you! Can't wait for July:)

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remembrance with thanks

this is my song, my savior, God, to Thee
how great Thou art
how great Thou art

"who deserves any grace?" ann voskamp

"who deserves any grace?" ann voskamp

I would rather die now than to live a life of oblivious ease in so sick a world—nate saint
be saturated in love

The desert shows us who we truly are, where we place our hope, faith, trust.

there is no occasion when meals should become totally unimportant. meals can be very small indeed, very inexpensive, short times…but they should always be more than just food. relaxation, communication and a measure of beauty and pleasure should be part of even the shortest of meal breaks.
— edith schaeffer

there is no control in love.


If you seek after the good portion, it will not be removed.

The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister.
— G.K. Chesterton

All new life labors out of the very bowels of darkness. That fullest life itself dawns from nothing but Calvary darkness and tomb-cave black into the radiance of Easter morning. Out of the darkness of the cross, the world transfigures into new life. And there is no other way.
--Ann Voskamp

Be kind. And have courage. And all will be well.—Cinderella

Be kind. And have courage. And all will be well.—Cinderella




Being on staff with the Navigators means that as part of your job, you "have" to go to conferences (awesome conferences with great teaching, the sweetest people, and learning!)—which generally end up being located in the best states. Like Colorado. Orrrr Florida.

This was my first, and possibly only, national staff conference. Us young staff (first and second years) also had our own training, so we went early. Meaning we were in Orlando approximately 9 days. 9 sunny, warm, how-is-this-November days. Oh my. Glooooorrrrious. ;)

Since we actually DID work (some pretty long) days, and the sun set just as we broke for dinner, most of my photos are from the day & a half I visited Disney World. I've been to Disney 3 times (once in Tokyo as a 2 year old, once in high school, and this trip) so I made sure to bring my camera. The last time I'd been was before I really was interested in photography, and felt like ages ago! I hardly remembered the rides, so getting to experience it all over again was a dream. PLUS I got to experience it with some of the sweetest people—a trip to remember for life:)



The Rowenhorsts || Family Session

This family has always treated me like an extra daughter, and even let me take their family photos when I was just beginning my venture into photography! (I'd like to think I have a better idea of what I'm doing now. ;) Coming home to Cedar Falls and getting asked to photograph a family session or two is always a treat, and this one was extra special for me. It was wonderful to stop by their house & enter the joyous chaos a few weeks ago when, see the little boys so grown up, the two oldest home from college, and be reminded of those days gone by!



Morganne || Ames IA Portrait Photographer

This lovely lady just happens to be one of my favorites. We've walked the path of life together for 2.5 years, and I'm so excited for the next 25+! Morganne and I met our first week-ish at ISU…and she brings so much joy to my life. Plus, she's weird in the best way and says the crayyyyyziest things! (M, you make me laugh 10x as much when I'm with you…so, thanks for keeping me healthy;) Thanks for finally letting me redeem myself with my camera and make some art. <3


The Howes || Geisler Farms || Ames Family Photographer


The Howes || Geisler Farms || Ames Family Photographer

I've been wanting to explore some pumpkin patches around the Ames & Ankeny area for a while…so when my cousin Sara contacted me about taking some fall photos of her family, I was thrilled! We had the most gorgeous fall afternoon to explore Geisler Farms, and then headed in to town for a few more photos. What I didn't know is that they were also announcing their pregnancy! Our whole extended family is thrilled to help them welcome their second son this spring—Sara has two sisters, so it's kinda fun that she and her sister both have boys! :) Sara & Ben, thanks for coming this way and letting me help you share this exciting news and capture some memories of your family of three.


Engaged || Ryan + Lauren || Pt. 2


Engaged || Ryan + Lauren || Pt. 2

These twoooo!!! I swoon…October hit us again with perfect weather for their engagement session. (Remember when they actually got engaged?! So much FUN!) You really can't go wrong taking engagement photos at Iowa State University, I mean, it's in the top rated prettiest campuses in the United States! Plus, I have it on good authority that quite a few students end up here purely because of how pretty she is in the autumn…and who knows, some of them find the one they'll adventure through life with at this school. ;) 


Ames, IA Engagement Photos || Selia + Brennan

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Ames, IA Engagement Photos || Selia + Brennan

These two! Oh my goodness…it seems like all I've known of them is the two of them, together. Selia and Brennan are student leaders in the campus ministry I work for, and I think we've all known for a while (or at least hoped!) that Brennan would ask Selia to take his last name. As you can see, he finally did! ;) And, as you can also see, they are SUPER STOKED to get married! Thank you so much for letting me photograph you as you enter in to this new season of life! Keep bringing the crazy. :)

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Des Moines Anniversary Portraits || Geoff + Rachel

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Des Moines Anniversary Portraits || Geoff + Rachel

Rachel has been nothing but a joy and encouragement since I met her! Fun fact: she actually second shot my first wedding with me. Then, she asked me to shot her wedding (so intimidating! but SO FUN!) and now, a little over a year later, their first anniversary session. We had the most beautiful October evening…also, I love shooting in Des Moines. All you Des Moinesians out there: hit me up!

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Proposal || Ryan + Lauren || Pt. 1

Ryan and Lauren are such sweet friends. Watching them grow in friendship and love has been so wonderful! I remember standing in the RCA courtyard when Lauren told me she and Ryan had just started dating…but she wasn't sure how it would work out, since they were spending the summer and next semester beginning to date. Long distance. Well, long story short, that distance had nothing on their love. ;)

Earlier this semester, Lauren mentioned that she wanted me to shoot photos of their engagement—"whenever that happens!" She thought it would be this semester, but hadn't really much idea of the timeline. "All I want is for it to be a surprise, for Ryan to ask my dad, and for you to be there to photograph it." And thanks to some stealthy planning from Ryan and myself, and a whole lot of grace from the Lord, it went off without a hitch! Even though it was chilly, the sun came out, the Crow's Nest was empty when they arrived, and they left with huge smiles and a wedding to plan! Enjoy the 'day of' photos…part two of engagement photos to come.
